Member-only story
7 Reasons to be Thankful for your Cat this Thanksgiving
From Mouse Patrol to Cuddle Buddies: Appreciating Our Cat Companions
As Thanksgiving approaches, people reflect on things they are grateful for like family, friends, health, and comfort. But an important group often left out of this holiday tradition is our feline companions! From mousers on Mayflower ships to lap warmers on lazy Sundays, cats have been sources of friendship, comfort, entertainment and protection for centuries. As you prepare to feast this Thanksgiving, don’t forget to show your appreciation for America’s most popular pet with enduring 9-lives and delightful quirks — the noble, hilarious, lovable cat!
As natural hunters blessed with lightning-quick reflexes and spectacular acrobatic talents, cats helped early Colonial settlers protect precious food stores by killing crop-damaging rodents. Legend has it that settlers were so reliant on their hardy mousers that they suspended a law about no cats on ships to bring kitties along on the Mayflower. Talk about survival gratitude! Modern indoor cats may not mouse as much, but they provide companionship that relieves loneliness and stress. With jaunty greetings at the door and loud demands for dinner, cats keep life exciting.