How did cats get their 9 lives?

Feline (apparent) Immortality explained

Ministry of Meow
2 min readSep 27, 2023

The popular legend that cats have multiple lives — specifically nine — is an ancient myth rooted in many cultures. But how did cats come to be associated with having nine lives?

Photo by Nihat on Pexels

The nine lives legend traces back to ancient Egypt, where cats were revered as divine creatures. Bastet, the feline goddess of protection, was said to bestow magical powers on cats, including the ability to survive mortal wounds. Egyptians proclaimed cats could come back from deadly situations just like their cat goddess, attributing them with nine resurrections.

In Norse mythology, the goddess Freyja’s chariot was pulled by cats. Freyja cherished her cat companions and granted them nine lives as a gift for their loyalty. According to legend, only Freyja had the power to restore a cat’s nine lives through reincarnation.

During medieval times in Europe, superstitions arose around cats having nine lives due to their stealth hunting skills and ability to always land on their feet. If a cat nearly fell from a building but saved itself at the last second, it used up one of its nine lives. The myth became embedded in popular consciousness.

Sailors spread the nine lives myth further between the 15th and 18th centuries. Ship cats that miraculously survived falling overboard in storms were believed to tap into one of their nine lives. If a cat lived through a sinking or pirates ransacking the ship, it reinforced the idea they could cheat death multiple times.

In literature, Shakespeare referred to a cat’s nine lives in Romeo and Juliet. Writers commonly used the superstition as a plot device, having characters mention cats losing one of their nine lives. Publications like The Cat Magazine popularized the mythos too, claiming cats had a spirit that could be reborn eight times.

While cats don’t truly have nine supernatural lives, their excellent survival instincts help explain the myth’s staying power. Cats are able to twist mid-air and utilize ground force to slow falls. This ability lets them squeeze out of tight spots and land upright, seemingly “losing” and regaining lives. Cats’ buoyancy also helps them survive water mishaps that would drown other animals.

So while the nine lives legend is fantastical folklore, it was fueled by cat behaviors that appear to defy death. Over time, the myth took hold across civilizations captivated by cats’ uncanny abilities to cheat fatal forces. Though cats lack actual immortality, their unique skills earned them an immortal legend that endures today.

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Meow-gnificently yours,

Jules 🎩🐾



Ministry of Meow
Ministry of Meow

Written by Ministry of Meow

Hey, I am Jules, your purrfect guide into the enchanting world of cats and their wonderful weirdness. Join the Meow-verse! 🎩🐾

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