The Covert Kitty Corps
How your cats keep you safe without you even realizing it
Did you know, cats don’t just let you live in THEIR home, as long as you pay for everything and treat them like royalty! Oh no, they really care for you and spare no effort trying to protect you! Sure, you might not have realized it, because kitty ways are indeed mysterious..
While most people rely on dogs when it comes to home and personal security, cats can also take on this task, with a slightly different approach. Let me tell you how your kitty protects you on a daily basis.
Does your cat follow you to the bathroom? Cats have an instinctual fear of water, because in the wild water sources attract predators. If they follow you to the bathroom it’s because they fear you could be attacked, and they’re making sure you have back up, just in case.
Does your kitty sleep next to you or even on top of you? It’s another way of making sure you’re safe from predators. In nature, cats sleep lightly to stay alert for potential predators. They can tell humans are deep sleepers, and worry about us, so they stay by our side, ready to face any harm that may come our way!
If your cat licks you or rubs their body on your skin and clothes, they’re doing it to leave their scent, marking you as part of their pack. That way, if you come across a dangerous animal, they will know you’re not on your own and stay away.
Cats have incredible hearing and can pick up on sounds that are beyond any human’s hearing range. So when you see them zooming around the house and acting weird, they may just be checking out strange noises for your protection.
Perhaps it’s time you bought your cat a cape and a badge, to honor their less appreciated role as a bodyguard!
If you’ve made it this far, you earned a free copy of my “New Cat Owner’s Crash Course” ebook, worth $12. Download it directly from here:
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Meow-gnificently yours,
Jules 🎩🐾