Why we love pets who judge us
Cats think you’re silly but still cuddle you
Have you ever noticed how cats stare at you with a funny look on their face? Their eyes follow you around the room quietly. It’s like they are watching and judging everything you do! Even though it seems like cats find humans silly, we still love having these furry companions. But why do people enjoy pets who appear to judge them?
One reason is that pets’ attention makes us feel noticed. When a cat’s eyes fixate on you, it sends the message that you matter. Even if they look confused by your actions, their gaze still VALIDATES that you exist. We crave that validation from a cute fluffy creature!
Another reason is that we imagine what pets are thinking about us. A cat’s quizzical stare as you dance around the kitchen makes you wonder — what is going on in that little head? You start to think your cat is silently critiquing or making fun of you. It’s fun to pretend your pet has thoughts and opinions about your behavior.
Also, pets show love unconditionally. So even if a cat looks at you like you are being silly or weird, they still cuddle up in your lap at the end of the day. They don’t actually think bad things about you — a pet’s judgment is harmless. You can be fully yourself without worrying about losing their affection.
Unlike people, who can judge you harshly, pets offer unconditional love. And isn’t it nice to come home to a furry buddy who is always excited to see you no matter what? Even if they do stare at you in a silly way sometimes!
Watching funny animal videos shows that many people find the idea of judging pets very amusing. We imagine cats and dogs complaining about their owners in human voices. Really, our pets are just confused by the weird things humans do! But it’s fun to joke around and pretend they are critiquing us.
So the next time your cat gives you a look that says “Seriously? What are you doing?” remember they still love and accept you fully. In fact, that look means they are paying close attention because they care. And nothing beats having a warm cuddly pet watch over and “judge” you without ever stopping to love you. It fulfills our need for notice, approval and companionship in a lighthearted way.
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Meow-gnificently yours,
Jules 🎩🐾